Welcome to the Center for Remothering
I'm curious...
Ever have those mental-chatter conversations in your head with your mother? How often? What's the vibe of those conversations? How do they leave you feeling?
Who or what doesn't get your attention when that happens?
Aligned boundaries?
When it comes to boundaries, ever feel guilty or overwhelmed?
Imagine boundaries with ease, and without guilt
Urban myth?
Do you hear about those relationships where people turn to their mothers for advice & comfort and wonder if that’s actually some people’s reality?
While we can't change (m)others, you can learn how to turn within to access the nurturance, wise counsel, belonging, and other mother qualities your mind naturally seeks
Would you react differently if someone called you selfish vs someone calling you otherish? Ever prioritize others without including yourself in the equation?
There's an aligned middle, I can help you find it.
If any of these questions resonate, I can help.
Coach, mentor, and guide for the remothering journey
Center for Remothering
Remothering supports us to turn within to experience just that-- the wise counsel, the reassurance, that feeling of "I've got you" in all situations, including if we have humanly blundered. (yes, we are allowed to be perfectly, imperfect humans because, we are, afterall, humans).
Our clients master faster access to their inner wisdom. And, not in the "one more thing on my plate" kind of way. But rather, through a process of conditioning new neural pathways that support a powerful sense of self-alignment with ease.
The Center,
Liberate your Inner Dialogue
Stormy mental chatter?
How often do you have conversations with your mother in your head? Would you like it to be less often?
As it turns out, the grooves that our current thought-habits run along get conditioned. What that means is we can’t think our way out of this situation, no matter how determined we are. We have to speak to the parts of our brains that don’t understand words. That’s why sometimes we need to reach for more ‘imaginal’ tools.
Click here to enroll in this free mini-course: 4 seemingly simple yet amazingly effective techniques to quiet stormy mental chatter and free your mind from those unwelcome conversations.
What is Remothering?
Remothering is a form of self-care. A path of tapping into our personal well-spring of inner wisdom.
At the Center for Remothering, we offer 1:1 services to support the remothering journey.
For some of us, because of our personal histories, we may prefer to combine independent self-healing. Which is why, I founded reMothering.org, a space created to bring together the wisdom from across modalities, practitioners, and healers to be a resource for our remothering journeys.
For more, check out reMothering.org. A good place to start is the article "What is Remothering".
What is Remothering?
Simona Vivi H
Hi. The kind of hello that looks like raising up a mug of tea and air-toasting you with a knowing head nod as we catch eyes.
Do you sometimes find yourself running outdated programming in ways that impact one or more of the following:
Who or what doesn't get your attention when you find yourself in that mode?
If you are ready to stop leaking internal resources, break free from outdated programming, master faster access to your inner wisdom, and thrive forward with a powerful sense of alignment, then let's connect
Enroll in this free mini-course
Looking for 1:1 Coaching?
If you are seeking personalized mentorship and 1:1 coaching for the remothering journey, check out the Center For Remothering. And/or, schedule a remothering coaching session with Simona today:
Enroll Today
Self-Alignment Intensive
The 90-minute Remothering Foundations: Self-Alignment Intensive is a private coaching session with Simona Vivi H
One-time Payment
Let's Connect
Within, and with one another
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