Upcoming Workshops
(remothering as we mother)
Upcoming Workshops
Remothering as we Mother
Join us for a free series of live, online workshops designed for parents of late-teens and young adults. Remothering as we Mother. fo
3 Keys to Turn Tension into Connection
with less guilt and less parent-doubt
workshop for parents of older teens
Free, Online, via Zoom
Popular Programs
Deep Dive Programs
reMothering.org presents
Comprehensive Online Remothering Journey
Looking for 1:1 Coaching?
If you are seeking personalized mentorship and 1:1 coaching for the remothering journey, check out Remothering Coaching. And/or, schedule a remothering coaching session with Simona today:
Enroll Today
Self-Alignment Intensive
The 90-minute Remothering Foundations: Self-Alignment Intensive is a private coaching session with Simona Vivi H
One-time Payment
Simona Vivi H
Hadjigeorgalis (ha-gee-george-alice) , she/her
e. Simona [AT] CenterForRemothering [DOT] com
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