Simona Vivi H
Hi, I’m Simona. Head Coach here at the Center For Remothering, and founder of reMothering.org.
coach, mentor, and guide for the remothering journey.
Hadjigeorgalis (ha-gee-george-alice)
Hi, I'm Simona. Coach at the Center for Remothering and founder of reMothering.org.
Daughter-healing has been my life's work. For too long, to the best of my ability, I tried to be the daughter my mother needed me to be so she wouldn't be criticized by her mother. Though dysfunctional, and not a path I would recommend, that dynamic offered many hard-earned life learnings that are the reason I am good at what I do in my work as a transformational coach specializing in the remothering journey.
When I stumbled upon the trailhead of my remothering journey in December 2002, I was 2-weeks pregnant with my second child and going through an unexpected divorce. It wasn't one of those graceful, wise, intentional decisions; it was life unfolding in a way that "invited" me to face some things that had been hiding in plain sight.
At that time, I was so deeply programmed to be a 'good' daughter and play a role in my mother's story, that I had lost part of my connection to my essential self. And without a map, or even language to describe what I now call the remothering journey, it felt like I spent a lot of time stumbling my way forward.
My zig-zag path has taken me from 'good daughter' (fixer, achievement-for-love, reflexive caretaking, over-explaining, an unclear sense of what a boundary is, misguided programming around the definition of 'selfish' and more) to RELIEF and breaking free from outdated programming that was no longer helpful to me or to the people I love most in this world.
Having traveled a more arduous (and a lot messier!) route to come home to myself than I would have preferred, I think of the work I do as putting up trail markers to ease the path for the next travelers. Which brings us to this moment. There is now language for the journey: remothering. And there are resources: here at the Center for Remothering & over reMothering.org.
I am a transformational coach specializing in the remothering journey, and if it feels aligned, I'd love to encourage you to explore coaching with me.
wishing you all the best on your remothering journey,
My area of expertise is working with daughters+ to navigate and overcome challenges rooted in their dynamic with their mother. Son-healing and daughter-father wounds are equally sacred work; if that's your path please feel welcome to reach out to us and we can see if together we can find you the right resource to support your journey.
Welcome to the Center for Remothering, private coaching practice of Simona Vivi H, globally recognized remothering expert.
Come on in if you are seeking RELIEF, healthier personal boundaries (even with boundary-impaired others), a self-kinder mind, and/or greater self-alignment.
If you, or someone you know, may be curious to trade in the 'don't be selfish' conditioning, shed the weight of crushing guilt, and transform the mental sparing we can have with ourselves (an unfulfilling replacement for being able to get through to our mothers) - in exchange for greater ease, clarity, and self-kindness - let's connect
This beautiful tree and her trail marker stand rooted in the yard at the Center for Remothering
your coach, guide, and fellow-traveler on the remothering journey
As a certified transformational coach, I support:
*'good daughter' patterns like: fixer, helper, achiever, people-pleaser, perfectionist, reflexive care-taking, over-responsibility, over-explaining, harsh inner critic, relentless task-manager, easily feeling guilt
Hello and thank you for your curiosity about remothering & about me, Simona Vivi H. I am available for interviews and collaborations related to remothering and remothering as we mother.
If you would like to connect, reach out to:
Support [at] CenterForRemothering [dot] com
Simona Vivi H
Hadjigeorgalis (ha-gee-george-alice)
headline: Simona Vivi H, Head Coach at the Center For Remothering, and founder of reMothering.org
Speaking and Collaboration Topics
Globally recognized remothering expert, Simona Vivi H, is a guide, mentor, coach, and fellow-traveler on the remothering journey.
Simona is a transformational life coach specializing in guiding adult daughters of emotionally immature mothers towards healthier boundaries, self-kinder minds, reduced mental chatter, greater internal harmony, relief, and clarity.
Take the journey from conditioned ‘good daughter’ roles (fixer, achiever, reflexive caretaker, people-pleaser, perfectionist, etc) to RELIEF, breaking free from outdated programming that no longer serves, and thrive forward in self-alignment. Shed the adaptations, keep the hard-earned wisdom.
If you are curious about trading in the ‘don’t be selfish’ conditioning for ease, clarity, and self-alignment connect with Simona online at CenterForRemothering.com, reMothering.org, and on Instagram @the.remothering.coach
Approved Photos
Photo Credit: Polina Bulman
Looking for 1:1 Coaching?
If you are seeking personalized mentorship and 1:1 coaching for the remothering journey, check out the Center For Remothering. And/or, schedule a remothering coaching session with Simona today:
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Self-Alignment Intensive
The 90-minute Remothering Foundations: Self-Alignment Intensive is a private coaching session with Simona Vivi H
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