How likely are you to feel a twinge of guild it you include your own needs in the equation? How likely are you to prioritize other's needs over your own?
How are your Boundaries?
Do you have healthy boundaries in some areas of your life, and not in others? Do you experience boundary challenges with some people and not with others?
Mental Chatter? Hijacked Thoughts?
Do you have internal-dialogue conversations in your head with your mother (and others)? How often?
How's your Self-Talk?
Can you be harsh with yourself? Under what circumstances?
If any of these are a yes, let's talk:
If you, or someone you know, may be curious to trade in the 'don't be selfish' conditioning, shed the weight of crushing guilt, and transform the mental sparing we can have with ourselves (an unfulfilling replacement for being able to get through to our mothers) - in exchange for greater ease, more clarity, a quieter mind, healthier boundaries (even with boundary impaired others), and thriving forward in self-alignment - let's connect.
The sessions include personalized coaching. Plus, you'll learn new advanced skills & techniques on your remothering journey because if we didn't have attunement, emotional maturity, and inner wisdom modeled for us as children, we may benefit from skill development and support as we update and upgrade ways of BEING WITH ourselves.
How it works
Parenting an Older Teen or Young Adult?
Our coaching collaboration begins with the Remothering Foundations: Self-Alignment Intensive. This immersive 90-minute session is designed to be a powerful stand-alone session created to gain clarity, unearth any outdated programming that's ready to be shifted, and co-create a plan to thrive forward with a powerful sense of self-alignment. If we agree that it serves your journey, it will also be the foundation for our work together moving forward.
Enroll Today
Self-Alignment Intensive
The 90-minute Remothering Foundations: Self-Alignment Intensive is a private coaching session with Simona Vivi H
One-time Payment
How it Works
Once purchased, you will immediately receive a welcome packet with all of the details, including our contact information, how to schedule your session, and more
Included in the welcome email will be a link to our booking calendar so you can choose a time that works for you. If our schedules do not align within a 21-day time period, you will have the option for a full refund.
Hi, it's Simona here. My guiding principle is that when we have clear access to our internal knowing, our lives unfold with more ease and purpose. Life is still "lifey", but it no longer feels like we are constantly wearing a weighted vest (or, as one client said, "I felt like I was always swimming against the current").
Instead, wherever we find ourselves on our human adventure, we can tap into a deep wellspring of inner resources to navigate WHAT IS with a powerful sense of alignment.
What is it like to work with me?
Rather than going into prose about human behavior, the incredible wisdom of our neurobiology, or the techniques in my toolbox, would you be up for a mini-experience right now?
If you feel comfortable doing so, I invite you to take a moment to arrive as if you were sitting down with me in person or on a zoom call. Allow your body to settle into connection. When you are ready, instead of leaning into ease, if you are open to it, bring to mind one of the tiniest, least frustrating, but still irksome situations that can hook you. Imagine it now. How does that feel in your body? How long does it take to recover your focus and direct your internal power towards your own goals and priorities? What would you have been able to do with that hijacked time instead?
NOW, imagine if that same situation was neutral, a non-event. And, if you can't imagine it being neutral yet, bring to mind a peaceful experience. (for example, for me, it may be sipping tea or gazing out at the ocean as waves gently lap the beach, what is it for you?). Can you feel the stillness and peace in your body? In your thoughts?
What would unhijacked access to your inner-resources mean for your life?
Simona Vivi H
(ha-gee-george-alice) , she/her
to email: Simona [AT] CenterForRemothering [DOT] com
to text: 267 312 3201
Let's Connect
Within, and with one another
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